Raise Awareness

How can I help?

Central government has until September 2021 to make a final decision. We can still oppose this. Together we can raise awareness and Stop AQUIND!

  • Join the Let’s Stop AQUIND campaign on Facebook for the latest news, activities. You can also download resources and share posts to your timeline
  • Join community events and activities
  • Download an A4 B&W or COLOUR poster and display it in your window 
  • Buy a t-shirt and wear with pride (coming soon!)
  • Share images on social media of the bit of the route that has the most impact on your life (check the route here)
  • Tell your friends, family and neighbours about AQUIND
  • Spread the word when out and about walking in the areas most impacted 
  • Make a poster or placard for your window or put in a prominent place. Take a photo and post to your social media
  • Write to your MP and local councillor. You can find their details here: www.writetothem.com
  • Write to Kwasi Kwarteng MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Or email: kwasi.kwarteng.mp@parliament.uk
  • Write a letter to your local newspaper or the national press
  • Volunteer your expertise. Just get in touch with Paula or Viola: paulaannsavage@gmail.com or langleyviola1@hotmail.com

The best way to help prevent the huge disruption and damage to our city is to build public opinion and raise awareness.


Community Action to Prevent the Aquind Interconnector in Portsmouth